Venus in gemini
Venus in gemini

venus in gemini
venus in gemini

It is important for them to feel heard and understood by their partner, and they will try to give the same in return. They love to give and receive words of affirmation. Whether their partner is nearby or far away, Venus in Gemini wants to be in constant communication with the one they love. They will be drawn to the latest tech gadgets so that they never miss a message. For someone with Venus in Gemini, communicating with their partner and other loved ones is an urgent priority. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is associated with communication and transportation. The partner of a Venus in Gemini person, if up for the challenge, could wind up getting the best tour of any city they visit together, as Venus in Gemini will always manage to strike up a conversation with the most well-informed local. Not everyone a Venus in Gemini person talks to is a threat to their partner, though. I’d love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. I’ve recently started working with an online psychic reading company and I’ve received some great feedback. Their impulsivity is similar to that of Venus in Aries, but it comes from a different place – Venus in Aries wants to follow their own spontaneous idea, while Venus in Gemini is more attracted to pursuing a new interpersonal connection. Venus in Gemini just likes a good story, period, and their attention can easily wander to any random place it seems they might find one. Though they are lighthearted and optimistic, they can be good listeners for sad stories too. This can make them seem indecisive, but their process of gathering information is generally helpful in some way for everyone involved. Venus in Gemini also values seeing that there are two sides to most stories. They attract money and love quickly, though they do not hold on to these things tightly. People with Venus in Gemini value the intellectual life, but their concern is more enjoying a pleasant conversation about it in the moment than whether it leads to concrete achievement in the physical world. This can be maddening for partners who want a stable commitment. They are fun and carefree, and they are not in a big hurry to settle down. People with Venus in Gemini tend to seem young for their age.


If they have a freedom-valuing Venus in Gemini hiding underneath, however, they may at times be frustrated with their boring life, though they are probably the top networkers in whatever safe professional field they have chosen. On that level, a Taurus Sun or a Cancer Sun is often someone who picks a stable job and lifestyle. Your Sun sign tends to show the obvious qualities of your personality in the world, things on the level of what your co-workers or classmates would know about you. Earth sign Taurus focuses on physical security, and water sign Cancer focuses on emotional security. Harder combinations are Venus in Gemini with the Sun in Taurus or Cancer. While this can go too far into crowd-sourcing life decisions that really should be more personal, this combination has a gift for bringing others on board when there is a job to be done. People who have Venus in Gemini and the Sun in one of the fire sign options, Aries or Leo, are more capable of taking action than Venus in Gemini might otherwise be, but they are more open to input from others than a fire sign Sun might ordinarily be. Partners might be surprised by the melancholy that pops out on occasion, but, as with everything else, Venus in Gemini just needs to talk it over. With the two-sidedness of Gemini, however, they might have another side that struggles to make sense of the more difficult parts of life. People who have both the Sun and Venus in Gemini are chatty and upbeat. That means people who have Venus in Gemini can have the Sun in only the following signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, or Leo. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Gemini?

  • Gemini Mode: Mutable (end sign in its season).
  • Gemini Season: Spring in Northern Hemisphere fall in Southern Hemisphere.
  • Each Zodiac sign is also ruled by at least one planet or luminary, and each Zodiac sign has a symbol.

    venus in gemini

    Remember that each Zodiac sign is associated with a season, a mode (is it in the beginning, middle, or end of a season?), and an element.

  • 14 Venus Compatibility In Each Zodiac Sign.

  • 12 Get a Psychic Reading, 5 Minutes Free.
  • 10 Third Best Match: Venus in Gemini with partner’s Venus in other Mutable signs.
  • 9 Second Best Match: Venus in Gemini with partner’s Venus in air signs.
  • 8 Best Match: Venus in Gemini with partner’s Venus in Aries or Leo.
  • 7 Who is Venus in Gemini compatible with?.
  • 2 Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Gemini?.

  • Venus in gemini